Getting married in Girdwood?
Need a place to have a small wedding ceremony? Girdwood has a lot of hidden gems that few people know about. We can suggest some options and give you the pros and cons of each. If you don’t have an officiant, check out our friends at Castle Ministries whom you’ll see in some of these photos. We work with Rev. Dorthy Torres a lot!
Travel Tips for Girdwood Wedding Ceremonies:
Bring rubber boots or hiking shoes! Just about everywhere you go around Girdwood can be wet or muddy. We often make a final decision for the ceremony location a day or two in advance, or sometimes even the day of the wedding – depending on the weather. Some areas provide more protection than others from the elements. Being flexible and willing to go to a new spot can save you a lot of weather-induced grief! Of course, it will probably be gorgeous and sunny on your day so you will have nothing to worry about. 🙂